
Why do we recommend WP Engine hosting

wp engine

Hosting is a remote computer that stores your website database and files. It can be optimized for best compatibility with certain platforms. For example there is a dedicated hosting for Drupal called Black Mesh. In this article we’ll have a look at some advantages of a WordPress hosting called WP Engine.

WP Engine is a WordPress hosting with a lot of handy tools and settings optimizations.

Below is a list of our favorite WP Engine hosting advantages over other hosting providers:

Enterprise-grade Security

WP Engine protects you from data loss or embarrassing hacker takeovers. Your website will be properly secured and faster, since bogus traffic and requests aren’t eating up your resources.

Git push

Developers love GitHub. It allows teams to have conversations about code and work transparently. After generating your SSH Public Key you will add it to the install of your choice in the User Portal and be able to submit all of the changes via GitHub instead of FTP client.

Built in staging WordPress install

Staging environment is perfect for websites that constantly have new elements added. It allows to take a snapshot of your site and copies it to a “staging area” where you can test changes without affecting your live site and then deploy these changes to the Live site. What is even more beautiful is that the developer can create his code and then make a Git push to your Staging install and then deploy it to the Live site. Which makes a wonderful secure workflow.

Access to automatic backup points

Backup points are just like saving your progress in a game or using Apple’s Time Machine. Select a backup and hit “Restore” to restore your site to a previous version instantly. Create new backup points before you make site changes when you click “Back up now”. You can also download .zip files of your backups for safe keeping. Staging sites also have backups.

24/7 Live Chat for Technical Support

If you have any questions on any of the above points you can always contact support via Live Chat or find the answer in the extensive knowledge base.
Their skilled team of WordPress experts deliver a personal, one-on-one experience right when needed – regardless of the time of day. WP Engine has your back.

Ease of migration

If you are ready to move your site over to the WP Engine platform their automated migration tool makes moving your WordPress install to WP Engine extremely easy!


WP Engine is a great platform that contains everything you need for a hassle-free management of a growing website. We’ve included our most used WP Engine benefits, which it’s certainly not limited to. If you are planning to have one website, their plans start from $29/mo.

Ilya Pavlov

Written by: Ilya Pavlov

Ilya Pavlov - Fruitful code company founder, project manager, web designer, WordPress developer.